A Role Play of Ice and Fire

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Role Playing, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire

    Rules of This Section

    Head Admin

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2014-04-07
    Age : 30
    Location : England

    Rules of This Section Empty Rules of This Section

    Post by Artimus Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:37 pm

    This section should explain everything you need to know about declaring war, battles and army movement.

    Armies consist of regiments. It is strongly advised that you find out the approximate number of your opponents and get something close to it before going to war.

    Declaration of War:To start a war you have to make a formal declaration to the person you are fighting, be it human or NPC. Then you have to send a message to your Lord declaring your reason for the war. Your Lord then decides whether it is legitimate or not. If he decides it is legitimate you are to continue as planned, if not he might send you a message telling you to stop. From then on he is allowed to do as he/she pleases. Whether it be attack you or bargain with you.

    Army Movement:Army movement is simple. You tell an admin where an army is coming from and where it is going to. The admin will then tell you how many real time days it will take for the army to arrive. If it is not measured in days it will be measured in hours. You will be informed by the admin if anything happens under the course of the march. Remember that 1 day in real life is a week (7 days) in the game.

    Battles are supervised by an admin. You CANNOT fight a battle without an admin present.
    Battles are fought when armies meet. The commanders can agree to fight it somewhere else if wanted. When a location is decided the admin will pull up a map from Google Earth with similar terrain to make it as realistic as possible and to make sure that there are no confusions. Then the battle lines are drawn by the admin. Explaining where each army is.

    When battle commences there is a quick dice roll to determine who gets to decide the first turn. Then the person who wins the roll will choose who gets the first turn. When decided the first person will give a command saying what their move is.
    Example: 1st Regiment of Knights charges the right flank.(The right flank is spearmen) When this move is done the admin rolls a dice from 1-20. This determines the success of the move. Charging cavalry into spears is a bad idea so anything under a perfect 20 will most likely see the Knights decimated. The admin will give you a response in the form of a description.

    An example: "Your knights charge the enemy spear regiment and are utterly destroyed as their horses fall to the spears and the men are killed before they can even stand" If this is the description given it is fair to assume you didnt role a perfect 20.

    Then the admin will tell you the losses. For example: "All the knights are lost and 200 spearmen die."

    Then it is the second players turn. The command will be given and a dice will be rolled from 1-20 to determine the success of the turn. Then this keeps going until one side surrenders or one side loses all their men.

    Note: The admins will use their artistic freedom to describe the events. If you have questions about what happens or you think something is unclear, ask. The admins word is final. The outcome is decided by dice rolls. The dice ensures that there is no favoritism on unfair adantages. Battles will not always go your way. Sometimes you will have good luck sometimes you wont. The outcome is the outcome, deal with it.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask here in the thread.

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