A Role Play of Ice and Fire

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Role Playing, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire

    Character Creation Rules + Template

    Head Admin

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2014-04-07
    Age : 30
    Location : England

    Character Creation Rules + Template Empty Character Creation Rules + Template

    Post by Artimus Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:17 pm

    Character Creation Rules and Template

    1. No naming yourself things like Guy de Lusignan or anything historical. Try to be creative with your name and your dynasty name. It is acceptable to name yourself and your dynasty after characters in the books/tv show. But understand that you are NOT that character. You just share the name.

    2. Preferably, you would list your age as anywhere between 14 and 50. 14 is the minimum age you can play without regency. And 50 just because nobody wants to play an old man.

    3. Culture is a reflection of personal characterisation. Just to fit the players preference. Take note, that if you choose a culture that isn't generally seen in the region in which you're playing (Example: Being a Riverlander culture, but being Lord in the Westerlands), you will encounter some negativity in your events and the way in which local NPC's deal with you.

    4. For your character appearance, try to have a picture ready. It's perfectly acceptable to describe your characters appearance if you can't find an adequate picture. But for the love of God, no Anime pictures or descriptions.

    5. Attire is what your character wears when in battle or when at court. Embellish this as richly as you want, or as plain as you want. You are NOT allowed to have a Valyrian steel sword. Unless given one by an admin. Also when given one by an admin said admin must clear it with all other admins.

    6. Your characters must have flaws as well as their good traits. You are human, you're not a God. Reflect this when you fill out your characters personality.

    7. Please be specific which title you want. Look at the list of available High Lordships, etc... to decide. You may choose to be the king on the Iron Throne or a Lord Paramount at the beginning of the game provided that nobody has already claimed the title.

    8. When filling out your family member list, please not that you can leave this blank but this means that on death, you WILL need to create a new character. Make sure to list what relation they are to your character (Brother, sister, father, etc...) and if you die, be sure to specify which is your heir. Also specify their ages.

    9. Copy out the template below and add in what you want.

    10. Once you have been approved by an admin, make a thread in the section of the forums entitled "Fiefs". Follow the information you find there to figure out how to fill that out.

    11. The available cultures are: Valyrian, Reachman, Northman, Riverlander, Valeman, Westerman, Crownlander, Stormlander, Dornish, Iron Islander






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