A Role Play of Ice and Fire

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Role Playing, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire

    Role Play Rules

    Head Admin

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2014-04-07
    Age : 30
    Location : England

    Role Play Rules Empty Role Play Rules

    Post by Artimus Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:11 pm

    This little section should explain the basics role playing.

    Role playing is basically assuming a persona that you create and you interact as if you were that person. That is the basics concept of roleplaying. When you communicate with others there are a few tools you need to learn to be able to communicate properly.

    1. Just typing something means that you are saying it in character. For example Gooday your Grace

    2. The second tool is the one that shows actions. Remember that this is text based and that you need to type out your actions. To do so you use **. For example
    *Lord Frederik Flindt bows deeply* Gooday your Grace.

    3. The third tool is for typing something out of character. You use //. For example
    // AFK be back in a minute.( Out of Character is often shortened to OOC)

    4. If you are speaking with someone in a private conversation. For example if you are a room together or some such situation. Feel free to do the conversation in steam,skype whatever your preference.

    Now we get onto some of the more serious things. There are two major things I want to mention. The first of these things is poison/assasination. It is really simple if you want to poison someone or assasinate someone you must tell an admin 24 hours before the event is to happen. If you dont want anyone to know i suggest you send it in a private message. You will be denied the assasination if the circumstances would make it impossible for it to occur or you have a completly invalid reason. Invalid reasons may include "its getting boring i want to start some shit" or "He made a joke at my expense, he called me fat" just dont make your character fat if you cant take the jokes.

    When/if your assasination gets approved you will need to explain to an admin how you intend to do it. Then a 20 sided dice will be rolled, where the higher the dice roll is the greater chance of suceess there is. The admin will not tell you the outcome of the dice ,but will instead give you a short story on the effect of the mission.

    PROTIP: There are no faceless men nor is anyone a skin changer. (non debatable)

    The second topic is defecting. During a war you may temporarily side with the people fighting your lord as long as you have good reason. Not like the way they rule is good enough. Defecting permanently to another Lord Paramounty is unlikely to ever get approved. You can leave your lands and ask someone else for lands. Your best choice is just to be a loyal vassal and dont start problems for no reason other then your own pride/vanity.

    If you have any questions about anything you have read feel free to post a question.

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 06, 2024 9:29 am